Fact sheet by Marc Segar on driving for people living on the autism spectrum


From Survival Guide for People living with Asperger's Syndrome

by Marc Segar


Driving is quite a bizarre skill to learn. How fast you pick up driving often has nothing at all to do with your intelligence in other things. Some real dimwits are still able to learn to drive in as few as five lessons whereas some really intelligent people can need as many as fifty lessons.


I myself went through sheer hell learning to drive. The most difficult thing for me was planning in advance and thinking ahead. I also had a very heavy telling off from one of my driving instructors.


Try to find a sensitive instructor if you can. Some driving instructors can be opinionated, randy, impulsive and impatient.


As already pointed out, try not to compare yourself with other people. Other people might be exaggerating about how few lessons they needed and might be lying when they say they passed first time.


Slow progress is still progress.


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Marc Segar was an adult living with Asperger's syndrome but died some years ago but left a wonderful legacy in developing this guide which containg practical tips for other people living with Aspergers syndrome